I must admit, my natural instincts of seeing a profitable trade in an instrument that's making all time highs started telling me to book profits. I even considered it on Friday. Then something interesting happend. I was watching CNBC and I kept hearing the talking heads speak about traders booking profits in gold or selling gold at these new levels. That's when my thinking changed back to how it should be. I realized that a lot of traders were feeling like me...looking at these high prices...seeing how far above the moving averages it's trading...thinking about the paper profits. This is when it pays to fade your feelings. Sure, I might see some paper profits go up in smoke, but I'm trading for big profits, not smaller profits and that's just part of the game. When "everyone" is selling out of an instrument that's making all time highs, it usually pays to hold on just a little bit longer because what nobody thought would or could happen sometimes does happen.
Will gold continue to go up? I don't know, but I'm willing to let a position ride on the premise that it could and that there has not been any good signal for me to sell gold. Sounds simple enough, yet many (most) traders don't step away from a trade and think about these things. You've got to ask yourself, "Why do I want to sell right now?" Then write that answer in your trading journal. If you do that over and over, and you're like me, you'll start to see a pattern of selling winners too early. That goes against Livermore's advice of , "Cut losses and let profits run."
Ok, back to gold..here's an updated weekly chart that I'm looking at:

Hope everyone's having a great weekend.
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