Here's a screen shot from a spread sheet that I've started keeping up with. It ranks 25 Country ETF's based on Relative Strength and then it also has a temperature score for each county (Temp. scores are based on a stocks ability to make higher highs and higher lows combined with where it's trading relative to its 52 week highs and lows).

A couple things to note, Russia is the strongest today and it clocked in an impressive 91 temp. score...that's cookin! What I think is really interesting on this sheet is how all of the Asian countries are at the bottom...concerns over China maybe?..I don't know. I'll have to keep an eye on this.
I just started this spread sheet last weekend and am looking forward to watching the macro view of the world stock markets and seeing how this sheet helps keep me abreast of the global picture. I'll post an update on it soon.
Hope everyone's having a good week.
I used to maintain a similar heat spreadsheet for the indices and main sectors. It was interesting and useful, but very time consuming - are you entering the data manually or are you automatically importing it from your platform?
It looks like we trade similarly, keep up the good work here!
Thanks for the kind words. I actually import the data using an excel query...cuts down the update time.
Best of luck to you!
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