Yellow=exit longs and look to go short
Red=Sell short
Blue=Exit shorts and look to go long.


Keep in mind that these signals are based on a trend following system and that means that at least half to even more than half of the signals will actually produce a losing trade. This system is profitable over significant periods of time, but there are the occasional draw downs. I like to look at the various readings for different instruments just to get an idea of what the current bias is for that particular instrument. For example, if the 30 minute chart for the Eur/Usd is green, i will look for short term trade setups to enter long trades.
It's worth noting that based on the above charts, Oil, the S&P, and the Gbp/Usd are all showing consistent strength in the 4 different time frames. The Eur/Usd is showing a little strength, but the signals are a little mixed which tells me that it's trading around a pivotal level.
This approach works for me and I think it's interesting enough to share with you. Hope it helps. Good luck with the trading.
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