As for honoring the stop, yesterday was a perfect example of how dangerous it can be to second guess yourself after you've made a game plan and initiated a trade. Perhaps QCOR is a little too volatile for a tight stop but that type of stop fits my personality. I have found that I can handle my emotions better by getting stopped out sooner and taking a couple of losses rather than using wide stops and sitting under water waiting for my position to come back. It works for me but not necessarily everyone.
When I take a position, I generally try to zoom in with an intra-day chart to pin-point a precise entry and if the position doesn't take off pretty quickly, it's usually a sign that I'm wrong and need to get out.
While tight stops may not be for everyone, one rule that does apply to everyone is honoring your pre-determined levels (whether they're stops, profit targets etc.). Had I lowered my stop or even just pulled my stop, I would be hurting today. Sure taking a small hit yesterday was not fun, but it's necessary and it's part of the plan. See the 15-min chart below. The green arrow shows where I went long and the red line shows where I got stopped out. More importantly the yellow line shows what I would have suffered through if I'd not have had my stop. Whew! That kind of drop can wreak emotional havoc on me and I imagine many other traders as well.

Bottom line, you've got to have a plan and stick to it if you ever want to even have a chance to make it as a trader. I'll be looking for new opportunities to enter QCOR and I'll let you know if I see a good set up.
Good luck out there.
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