Site Meter The Lawyer Trader: My New Valentine

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My New Valentine

Valentine One that is. I've wanted one for a while and I finally bit the bullet and ordered a Valentine One Radar/Laser detector. I've heard great things about this model and this company in general and I'm looking forward to seeing how well it works.Recently I got a new car (new used car) that is quite a bit faster than what I'm used to so I figured this would be a great investment. With a price tag of roughly $400, this thing will pay for itself if it saves me from one speeding ticket. The Valentine One is supposed to be the best for early detection and it has a couple of cool features. For one, it tells you how many different signals it's picking up, like multiple cops, it tells you what type of radar is being picked up and it even informs you of the direction the signal is coming from (like front, behind, side). All very cool sounding features that seem practical and useful.

I must admit, I was out driving at speeds up to 115 mph within an hour of getting this yesterday..although I'm not recommending that to anyone...just wanted to open up my car a little and see how it does at those speeds.

One last thing about this detector and company that I like is that they provide a very informative booklet with the detector. The booklet does a great job of breaking down what radar is and is not and what the detector will and won't do. This box is not a magical device that saves you from all speeding tickets and this company does not present it in that manner. I like that and I think that the way this company provides a great and easy to follow booklet to teach what is practical and what is unrealistic lends the company credibility.

I'll post an update in a month or two to follow up with a review of the radar/laser detector.

It's been a crazy market..hope you guys have traded well (and I hope you've been watching/trading


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